Brad + Amy: Fun at Avignon Windhaven Estate Plano Engagement Photographer

It was my first time shooting an engagement session at the beautiful Avignon Windhaven Estate in Plano Texas. The first time I saw the building I was in awww with the beautiful architecture details. Amy talked about wanting to have pictures taken on the big chess board. At first I thought Amy was referring to the blocks of concrete but when I saw the chess set in person I was amazed how gigantic they are. The chess pieces are actually life size. I was dying to drop my camera and push the chess around, instead I had more fun watching Amy and Brad just goofing around with the pieces. The courtyard and the swimming pool also look so inviting. Brad and Amy took advantage of the beautiful surroundings and as a result the engagement session turned out so much fun. Brad and Amy were so adorable and I enjoyed the time with them.

Windhaven Estate smelling the beautiful courtyard
Inside Avignon Windhaven and the lovely chairs
Standing by the window curtain at Avignon Windhaven
Beautiful rosemary bushes

These life size chess pieces do exist

Give each other the big chess pieces
Hugging and loving each other at the courtyard
Kissing under the pavilon
Lovely estate in Plano hugging
laughing together setting outside the estate courtyard
hugging each other in the estate garden
having fun at the courtyard
Very much in love in the garden
Garden engagement photography in Windhaven rich place

Avignon Windhaven estate garden Plano Engagement


dancing under the trees
Kissing in the fields of grapes winery