Brad + Amy Dallas Wedding : Westin Park Central Hotel

The wedding of Brad and Amy couldn’t be any better than awesome! The two cutie love birds got married at the beautiful Water’s Edge Church in Frisco. The minute I walked in the church all the glass windows and doors were covered with dark brown papers. Amy and Brad did not want to risk accidently seeing each other. I knew that instance that their love for one another is very strong. Afterwards, we head out to the reception at the gorgeous Westin Park Central hotel in Dallas. The wedding was so much fun that I actually did an internal dance moves while shooting. Thank you Brad and Amy for having me be part of your special day. You both are so gorgeous and may you have wonderful life together.

Waters Edge Church Wedding Ceremony in Frisco

David's Bridal dress white rose wedding bouquets

Frisco wedding getting ready putting make up on

Wedding getting ready in Frisco wearing girdle

ring bearer in Frisco Texas wedding getting ready

Waters Edge Church in Frisco getting ready bridesmaid holdingred rose bouquet

Waters Edge Church Frisco wedding something borrow something new Pearl and shoes

Waters Edge Church Wedding Getting Ready bridesmaid laughing having fun

bride priest and bridesmaid saying pray before wedding ceremony

bride putting boutonniere on mother before wedding ceremony

bride and groom cannot see each other but with touch and sound

Waters Edge Church father walking bride down the aisle wedding ceremony groom very happy to see bride the first time

Waters Edge Church bride groom wedding ceremony

bride and groom getting marry in Frisco with bridesmaids standing

bride and groom emotional wedding ceremony

Wedding ring ceremony

Husband and wife complete ceremony

Wedding ring on three layers of rocks

close up photo wedding rings

candlelight centerpieces

Wedding Cake


bride and groom laughing and kissing first wedding dance

laughing while dancing to wedding song

bride tossing boutique to all single ladies on wedding day at Westin Park Central Hotel in Dallas

groom tossing girdle to all single men at Dallas Westin Park Central hotel

partying and dancing celebrating wedding day at Dallas hotel

bride groom friends having fund dancing to wedding music

bride and groom having fun at their wedding

grand wedding exit with sparkles