When I receive an email from Sohil with Midnight Chai Photography to second shoot an Indian wedding I immediately squirm with excitement. I am 10% part Indian but have never attend an Indian wedding in my life. For years I have waited to assist and get experience from another photographer to learn the culture of Indian wedding. The beauty, the vibrance colors and the traditional ceremony excites me wanting to learn more. Below are some pictures, Part 1 or should I say day 1 of the ceremony taken place at the beautiful El Dorado Country Club in McKinney Texas. Day 2 and Day 3 pictures will be blogged pretty soon. I hope you enjoy. Again, a big thanks to Sohil for giving me this opportunity.
AMAZING!! Totally love the vibrant colors!! You captured the family so well, celebrating such a treasured day.
Beautiful! I love all this amazing color!!
You out do your self again Chantal! amazing work as usual!
Gorgeous!!! Love the vibrant colors. You do such amazing work, I’m so excited to work you you and Alyssa next weekend.
just stunning. great work!